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#25 - Earn $100k working part-time

Writer's picture: Jordan NelsonJordan Nelson

Read Time = 3 Mins

I’ve been working full-time for 10 years,

And it’s coming to an end.

If you could make the same (or more) working half the time that you do now… why wouldn’t you want to at least give it a shot?

So, in today’s newsletter, I’m going to break down 4 questions that made me want to change my lifestyle and start working part-time.

And how you can do the exact same thing

Let’s start ↓

#1: What Lifestyle do you want?

Goals without any steps are just dreams.

To do anything in life you need to clearly state what it is that you want to do and the more detailed you can make it - the better.


  1. How many hours do you want to work?

  2. What will you do with that time?

  3. Do you need structure?

  4. Why this lifestyle?

I used notion to do this so the notes are always with me.

My goals were:

  1. 20 hours a week freelancing

  2. Half freelancing & half building business

  3. I thrive creating my own structure

  4. Lets me have more control over my life

True wealth comes in many forms

#2: How much $$$ do you need?

Hate it or love it, money makes things easier in life.

To say “it doesn’t matter” would be a lie. It’s a tool you use to create a better lifestyle for you, your family, or and those you care for around you.

So think about these 2 things…

  1. Current lifestyle

  2. Future lifestyle

Where you at vs. what do you want.

To make this easier, go to the site I linked below.

You’ll select where you live and it’ll generate typical expenses and how much you should expect to pay for them in your area.

#3: What can you do to achieve that?

This is where you’ll turn your goal into bite-sized steps.

Let’s break down how to make $100k / year while only putting in part time hours to get us there (20 hours a week).

Here’s the math 🤓

  • 20 hours/week

  • $97 / hour

  • 52 weeks in a year

= $100,880

And considering that most certified consulting partners charge $160-$180 an hour for Salesforce Admins… $97 is very realistic.

#4: Who has done it before?

You should always skip steps when possible.

Best way to do that?

Well, like I always say… you should be giving value freely to your network to build up social credit with them. (read about this strategy here)

This in turn allows you to cash in “favors”

For me this week it was speaking with my buddy Hosam.

He’s been a Zendesk consultant for years and knows his stuff. We met thru Linkedin this year and have exchanged ideas freely.

So, I DM’d my ask to meet and get some tips on this new journey.

Not only did he accept but he more than willingly shared all his tips, tools, personal strategies, pitfalls to avoid, and passed me his cell number.

Literal cheat codes.

ALWAYS give value so you have these opportunities.

Networking 101 When you reach out to busy people, assume you are 1 of 1,000+ people asking for their time. - Differentiate yourself. - Make your ask mutually beneficial. - Make it really, really easy to say yes. Do these 3 things and you'll network more productively.11:03 AM - 27 Jun 2022

See you again next week.

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:

I help beginners learn salesforce & get hired in 6 months by sharing the exact steps I took to go from my call center job to Salesforce Admin earning $70,000 with no college degree.

Course Member Testimony


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